One of Groovy Vetcare Clinic’s highlights of the year, was to have our very own veterinarians, drh Mulya Fitranda and drh Jeanne Novi Tandria invited to DAAI TV show, “Bincang Sehati”. We were so lucky to get an opportunity for sharing information and knowledge with Pawrents everywhere. We were happy meeting other experts in human health and we got even more excited that we also met Karin, the founder of Jakarta Animal Aid Network. We discussed so many things about animal and human health.
On 7th February 2019, drh Jeanne Novi Tandria came for explaining about Zoonosis. Zoonosis is a diseases that can be passed from animals to humans such as Leptospirosis, Avian Influenza, Anthrax, and Rabies. She also discussed with a human doctor about the symptoms of Zoonosis and how to deal with diseases that have already occurred in humans.
Drh Mulya Fitranda was invited on 19th September 2019 to talk about “How to Take Care of Your Pets”. With miss Karin, they explained about responsibilities of pet ownership, that are supposed to be taught since we were young. Well-cared pets could be good companions, friends, and even family members. Taking care of pets helps reduce stress and increases our self confidence.
Watch the complete video on YouTube!
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